Hello friends and family!
We feel like we are WAY due for an update on what is going on in the Prince home - but things have been suddenly very busy around here, so we apologize for the lack of info! On Friday night, our friend Kate Berry flew in from our church in Raleigh to visit her son Matt who has been volunteering with Living Hope for 2 months (oh and she gets to see us too!!). It's been SO fun to host Kate, as she brings so much joy into this place and helps us process all we are seeing and experiencing - the highs and lows. And we were SO blessed to have her bring an extra suitcase filled with goodies from home - everything from a Christmas dress for Kieren, frosting for me, candy corns for Casey, and LOTS of cereal. Even just to get some handwritten cards was SUCH a treat!
Oh, by the way, we ARE getting mail now here from the States, it took less than 10 days for a letter. It's been so fun to get some Christmas cards already!!
Okay, so many things happening in the midst of our hosting Kate. We have been spending time with lots of friends and ministry things are also really picking up. There have been some highs and lows, as well. Yesterday, Living Hope held a rally in Ocean View for World AIDS day, and my friend Joanne, who is in my HIV support group, publicly spoke about her HIV status in order to encourage others to be tested. It was INCREDIBLE - people were cheering for her and others even then shared their HIV status with the crowd. It was so inspiring and I told Joanne after that she was my new hero! She has built a great life where she is choosing to be healthy and live even though she is HIV positive. It was a beautiful thing. Then shortly afterwards, Kate and I were thrust into a really intense situation. We met a young woman named Jakie who came to the clinic and wanted help because she was having a bad 'drug trip' on some 'tick' which is crystal meth in the States. She was prayed for, and then eventually brought in to see the doctor, and later taken to the hospital. She felt she was ready to try to get clean but was also scared and filled with so many emotions. Just before she was taken to the hospital, Kate and I went in to see her and she was crying and scared and sick, and I just trying to minister to her in a few moments. I prayed for her and tried to speak truth to her about the challenges ahead of getting clean but how it was worth it. I told her God brought her to us that day and that He saved her to make her new. She was filled with so many emotions but would stop and focus on what I was saying and smile. I have to believe she understood and I hope she follows a new path, but wow, it will be a mountain to climb ahead. It was very scary and emotional for both Kate and I, but we certainly saw God's presence in those moments.
Many ministry opportunities are popping up lately for Casey and I, and we continue to grow deeper in love with this community. Casey is preparing, with Andy Chenlo, for the Ubunutu clinics in the schools next week and getting very excited. And I look ahead for today and the rest of the week for my incredible conference at UCT. So much happening! We are on quite a ride right now and truly enjoying it! Pray that we will have times to process, rest in the Lord and each other, and enjoy all God is doing.
Lots of love,