Thursday, December 10, 2009

Summer Break

Although this is a strange concept for you readers in America to understand, we are at the beginning of a beautiful summer break here in South Africa. The seasons are opposite as we are the bottom half of the globe, and it's gorgeous around here these days. Not trying to make you jealous, but I am writing this blog post from a coffee shop that is open-air, and I am gazing out at a view of the ocean. I can't be responsible to your feelings about that, but you do wish you were here....

People around here joke about 'Africa time' and it's such a true way of life around here, and things come to even more of a halt during summer break. Schools aren't officially out until the end of this week, but since all final exams were given two weeks ago almost NO one is at the schools anymore. People are having Christmas celebrations, going to the beach, and leaving for vacation. In Ocean View, the township summer means everyone is walking around outside, playing sports, hanging out, and trying to stay cool. Last Saturday it was in the 80's and I heard this week that most people stayed inside and tried to not sweat (there is not indoor heating or cooling for most homes and buildings here... seriously). Mostly people are very happy and looking forward to a break and some fun. We are too!

In the past few weeks things have gotten REALLY busy, and now that everyone is out of school there also seem to be kids constantly at our house wanting to hang out and play soccer. It's so cool, but wow, pretty crazy too! Last weekend Kate Berry commented that our house was Grand Central Station. Casey finished his last Ubuntu clinic today and had a great week of learning and teaching with the kids in the schools we want to be in. I had a few events for Living Hope this week, and today spoke at a Christmas celebration for all clients in Ocean View who attend support groups. I did a bit of 'preaching' and had a blast getting to share with my own community. It is a privilege to get to live in Ocean View for so many reasons, but I feel like it gives me a platform to speak more directly into people's lives since I do understand the challenges more than I would as an outsider.

Casey and I are looking forward to relaxing together a bit on Friday and just catching up on our time together in the midst of all that has been going on. And at some point we need to prepare for Christmas, but it is still yet to be determined how that will look in our new lives in Africa. We do already have plans with different families and friends, but want to begin some traditions for our family here! Christmas day is getting closer and closer!

Lots of love,

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