So happy to introduce one of my great friends and inspiration in Ocean View: Cindy James!
She is the daughter of one of my View ladies and leaders in my women's group and at OV Methodist Church, the girlfriend of our Ubuntu employee, Treswill (pictured with Cindy below), and just someone the Prince family loves! Cindy is an amazing woman of God and a shining light in our community. She teaches at one of the OV primary schools and has a beautiful heart. I have asked her to begin writing for our blog some so you can hear her heart and perspective of life in Ocean View. I know you will love her just as much as we do (okay, that is actually not possible!). Enjoy!
“I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.” (George Washington Carver)
Having the privilege of walking up the mountain close to where I live in Ocean View, Cape Town RSA was a real awakening within my spirit.
When one detaches themselves from a particular situation you can gaze at it afresh. While sitting on the mountain top I looked down and observed that because of the height, the community looked so small; tiny houses, cars and people like MnMs. I had a bird’s eye view of the community which I am a part of.

Looking at my community from a distance allowed for my thoughts to come into perspective. It made me see how God views us and is able to have His eye on everything; thus seeing the bigger picture. When we are in a specific area all we see are our surroundings and therefore only want or desire things we feel we need.
Yet God is able to see way ahead. I was reminded of the truth where God says His thoughts are neither my thoughts nor my ways His, (Isaiah 55:8) and rightly so ‘cause we are far from seeing as God does.
After seeing all I could and enjoying the experience I descended the mountain. In descending the mountain the sounds of the cars and people became audible once more. It reminded me that life goes on and some of us become like “cogs in a machine” operating as we always have in our sometimes dismal circumstances and situations (some we’ve created for ourselves.)
The situation got me thinking about when we have our individual, inspirational moments and times when God speaks to us during our quiet time. The time God speaks could be compared to the perspective gained while on the mountain top. The descending from the mountain could be viewed as how I continue with life. The question is whether I choose to continue as I always have or if I decide to make the necessary (as tough or painful as it may seem) changes.
Not many things in our communities change because many people become like- minded and forget what they have been called to do. They get caught up in a pattern of life that in no way benefits their current or future situations. Like a room with four walls we can get so accustomed to the surroundings and forget there is a door to something other.
Writing this piece is something other for me. What have you decided to do differently today and have you tuned in your radio to the correct station?