Monday, April 18, 2011

Worst Youth Leaders EVER

Seriously.  The Prince family decided that 2011 was the year to SAVE THE WORLD, and we happened to forget that we are VERY LIMITED in every sense.  One of our big ideas was to start leading youth, and we REALLY prayed about this before jumping in, but WOW are we the WORST YOUTH LEADERS EVER!  Please don't post to this blog saying, "No Sarah!"  Just let me share.  And we seriously are.  It's not completely hopeless, but gosh are we bad.

So yeah, we have like 39jdk40u398 other things we do all week, and by the time it gets to Friday night (when they traditionally have youth group in the townships) we are FRIED!  This week at about 6pm Casey asked what we were doing for youth which started in an hour and I hadn't worked it out yet...  Yikes.  I DO believe that our presence and relationships that we have formed with these youth are priceless and I know that I LOVE my time with them.  But you would think after so many years of youth ministry we could get it together a bit more??

This week we had about 15 youth which actually is pretty good.  I gave a (ROUGH) talk to them about John 3 and then we took them to McDonalds for McFlurries!  So that counts for something, right?  

Honestly, we have a PLAN, we are partnering with an organization this year to train up some new leaders in our church for youth and I am VERY EXCITED about what is ahead, but we are just getting by for now.  THANKFULLY our group is very merciful and I think they know that we love being with them!

At the end of the day, we both wish we were doing more, but I wouldn't change this time with them for anything.  These kids are the first generation that has grown up in these township communities where chaos, drugs, violence, and pain are a norm.  God is real for them and they are in NEED, so I can't wait to see all that God does among us together. 

PRAYERS please!


1 comment:

Suzassippi said...

I can't wait to meet you in May, and to introduce you to my friend who is your neighbor up in Somerset West! It is such a blessing to me that your share your thoughts here. I am so looking forward to a few weeks back in my adopted country with my South African family, and looking forward to seeing you then. Susan