Sunday, February 20, 2011


I preached this morning at Ocean View Methodist Church.  As we were singing in worship, and people were going down to the front altar to receive prayer, I was thinking, "I love this place!"  I feel so blessed to be a part of this community and watch God move here.  It really takes time, some more time, and then a lot of time, to really see change in people.  You need patience, you need to wait, you need to not be in control.  I am HORRIBLE at all these things but somehow through God's strength (and with lots of fun and dancing in our house) we have been here for long enough to see things move.  I love this church.  For better or worse, we are here, but today I loved it and am thankful.

Preaching went really well and I am just so enjoying preaching and teaching lately.  This week I taught THREE times with teaching, bible study, and preaching.  Love it.  LOOOVED my nap this  afternoon too :)

Here are my notes from the sermon today titled, "Stuckness."

Lots of love,

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