Thursday, June 17, 2010



The Prince family is finally all together again as Casey is home from his World Cup travels. It is so nice to just have him home and to get to talk about all that is going on. Honestly, yesterday was a very difficult day for me with the news of Kieren needing a skin graft. I am not even sure why it was so hard, because I completely trust our doctors and believe God has brought them to us, AND I see their reasoning of wanting to get Kieren's burns closed up after four weeks plus of being open. It all dose make sense, but I was just wanting more of a supernatural healing to happen and no more surgery. All that being said, I can't help but see the other truths in how God has healed Kieren SO much over the past four weeks and her scars are looking really incredible except for that tiny spot. Her joy and laughter continues to return more every day and I can tell that she has really moved on from the trauma. As difficult as it will be to take her into surgery tomorrow and all the will happen in the morning, I know that Kieren will bounce back so fast and if it means that we only have days left until she is closed up with NO bandages then so be it. God works in mysterious ways and not always in our plans, but He is worthy of our trust. This is surely a challenge in my own faith walk as I do not understand why this has to happen and am very saddened by it, but there is no one else I can or want to turn to other than God. He has carried us this far and will continue to lead us ahead.

I am thankful for Casey and the strength that God has blessed our relationship with to walk through these hard times. I am thankful for my sweet and happy Kieren who brings laughter and joy into our house every day and will continue to. I am thankful for a great community here that is ALREADY gathering around us in prayer and love. AND I am thankful for an upcoming visit to the States - just two and a half weeks away! We are READY for some good American food, pool time, and lots of fun friends! Bring it on!! :)

Love you all and thanks for walking this journey with us,

1 comment:

Billy said...

was at the western NC united methodist conference this weekend to attend my mom's (long-awaited) ordination & thought of you all. lives are being changed there. many in ways you will never see this side of heaven, but it is happening nonetheless. enjoy your break in the states so you can be renewed for God's work. blessings, megan