Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New Prayers for Kieren

Hello everyone,

Well I have just gotten home from our latest visit to see the doctor and professor at the hospital this morning, and we did not have a good report. A very small piece of the burn on her chest has STILL not healed and now it's been over four weeks and they are concerned that when it does heal it will have very thick scar tissue over it. They want to do a skin graft with a very small piece of skin and believe it will then heal in only a couple days. It is a very small piece on her upper left chest and is a noticable part of her body for swimsuits and stuff. So they just want to go ahead with a small graft, taking some skin from her butt, and they want to do early this Friday morning.

I went to the appointment alone as Casey is still coming home from the Port Elizabeth World Cup game, and it was obviously a very discouraging visit. We really did not want to have skin grafts and believed God was going to heal her so she didn't have to have it. Now I'm not quite sure how to pray, because I also believe God brought these incredible doctors into our lives to help Kieren and I trust them. I just don't know what to think, but I feel like we should trust them and go ahead with surgery. She will go under, they will 'clean up' the remaining wound and then make the final decision about a skin graft, as it still might not be necessary.

Please pray for us to keep our heads high even though this is news we did not want to hear. Kieren did great at the appointment and was playing and happy the entire time in the waiting room, while she was surrounded with kids exhasted and in so much pain from their own burns. We have come so far and know God is there no matter what the next steps are to be. Pray for Kieren to continue to heal and for this surgery she will have on Friday morning. God is soverign and we trust Him with everything - especially our most precious Kieren!

Lots of love,

1 comment:

cashmoney said...

we are praying for yall. we can't imagine what this must be like; however we trust God's provision and are encouraged daily by the way that you are trusting in Him through this trial. we love you guys...