Thursday, May 20, 2010

Full Confidence

“Lord, we don’t have a religion that is a call to escape. We don’t have a faith that we just hold onto to make us feel better. We serve a God who came and dwelt among us, who looked oppression and brokenness and sin and pain square in the face, set His jaw toward Jerusalem and walked all the way to Calvary. And, so we don’t, when things are difficult, when problems are multi-layered and complex, we don’t pretend they don’t exist and we don’t pretend they’re easier to fix than they are, but we also refuse to be intimidated. Not ‘cause we’re so great but because the God who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. And there is no sin, there is no brokenness, there is no injustice, not all those things put together that are bigger than Your love, that are greater than Your power, so we go with the full confidence of knowing that our God is the God of all things and that nothing is beyond Your might or Your reach. And no person is so broken that they can’t be brought back to full restoration in You……Help us walk in the path you have set before us for the sake of others that we might be more fully transformed in that and through it.”
-Pastor Issac

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