Monday, June 27, 2011

Moving Forward


Feeling a bit crazy this morning as we leave TOMORROW for our trip to the United States.

NO it's not a holiday!!  But YES I will get tan and fat!  Woo hoo!
So excited to see family and friends and MOST OF ALL excited to share all that God has been doing in our midst and ministry.  We feel abundantly blessed and filled to the  BRIM with what God is doing.  Can't WAIT to share it all.

As we pack up and tie up lose ends, I find my heart already getting sad this morning to say goodbye to our home here.  I love these people so lives and our hearts are deeply, deeply intertwined with theirs.

Yesterday afternoon I woke up from a nap (hollar at Sunday naps - the BEST) and four women from the Methodist church had made me a home-made card and brought gifts for me.  These woman have NOTHING and often don't have money for simple things like electricity and bread.  But they wanted to bring ME a gift to thank me for the ways I love and support them. 
So  humbling.

We had a great day at our SA churches yesterday, and again just thankful for the ways God builds us up in those places.

We are learning.  We are growing.  We are blessed.
Oh, and we ended the weekend by taking Granny Jacoba out for a birthday dinner (her b-day was Saturday but she was too busy for us!).  We took her for fish at Ocean's Basket.  We laughed and had the best time.


love my life.

1 comment:

Jordan Monson said...

Hey are you going on home assignment/furlough to raise support? I'll be doing that myself in a few weeks. I'm excited for you guys! Thanks for the post!