Friday, February 4, 2011

The Women are Rising

Last night was another WOW night.  I had my weekly bible study with the women of Ocean View.  It was a strange weather day, but by the evening it was HOT, HOT, HOTTT!!  Not a breeze in sight and it was raining a bit.  Inside the Ocean View Methodist Church it was bordering on HADES hot, but slowly some women arrived.  It still feels a bit strange, this new format of the women's group, where I teach first, and then we break into two groups to talk and pray.  I prayed and began my teaching, and quickly God took over, sharing His words of promise and power with my friends.  Afterwards we broke into our two groups.  Granny Jacoba leads one group and our missionary friend Leigh Myers leads the other.  I sat in with Leigh, and the conversation was open, vulnerable, and beautiful.  These women face hardships that I could never imagine, and they are courageous and hopeful.  When they falter in their beliefs that God can still do a miracle, someone else comes in to bridge the gap of faith for them.  These women are growing; in fact they are rising up.  God is changing them and they are not the same women I met a year and a half ago.  This is going to be a big year for them and they are going to experience huge things.  It will all be to the of the Glory of God, because as John 1:14 says, "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us" or made his home among us.  In Ocean View, God is not just 'among' but IN these women and growing by the day....

Lots of love,

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