Friday, January 7, 2011


Thinking this morning about how blessed we are to share this crazy incredible time in our lives with so many people we love.  

We have such an eclectic mix of friends, many colors, shapes, and sizes.  Things are similar to back in the States where we LOVE people so many, many of them fill our lives.  This year Casey and I are both writing up clear goals for the year, and one of mine is to make sure I focus on those friendships here that are really life-giving and fun.  There are a few of those for sure, and so those ladies are actually on my goal list to make sure I don't forget to carve out special time with them!  Yesterday, we went to our friends' Mark and Kate new house to help them move furniture (but we were late and missed helping.... missed isn't really the right word...) and then our other friends Wayne and Laural were also there who just returned from a trip to the US.  We talked until it got dark while Kieren 'penguin' toddled back from the guys to girls repeatedly (she has a walk that frighteningly resembles a penguin, but now it is also a penguin dance, so that's cool).  It was simple and lovely.  It was what life has to be about if you are really going to get through all the bumps and bruises and it's who you celebrate when the great moments pop up surprisingly.  I love friendship and am excited that it will be a focus of this year.  Hope you also have special people to share your life with; there is almost nothing better.

Lots of love,

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