Monday, June 14, 2010

It Turns Around Again

Tonight was such a gift, as I got to just remember again why God has called us into this community. We had our regular Monday night women's support group meeting where we come together and just share our stories and pray for one another. Since Kieren's accident I haven't really been able to be there and then last week Kiers and I were both sick and so took a break. Tonight we are having a classic Cape Town winter night with freezing temperatures, wind, and rain - yuck! Since most people in Ocean View don't have cars and would have to walk (and no heat inside our homes, so better to snuggle in bed!) and so most of the group didn't 'pitch' (show up!). We had a small group of women, but it was wonderful as always. One of the women in the Methodist church shared her story of family troubles, substance abuse, violence, a cheating husband, and a faithful God who led her out of it all. She is an amazing woman of faith, grace, and forgiveness and it was very encouraging. Some others shared some prayer requests and shed some tears and we gathered around one another and lifted each other in prayers. Once again I feel so privileged that these women open up to me and one another because it is SO rare in a community of broken and hurting people. They are vulnerable and real and loving and learning. I love it.

Matt, Dave, and Josh Edwards spent their first day in Cape Town with us today and we gathered for a big family dinner together tonight. Matt asked me how I am feeling about my 'work' here if I am feeling satisfied with what I am doing. I feel like words can't describe how special it feels to be used by God exactly where He wants me and where I have always hoped I could be.

Oh, and the cutest member of the group tonight was our dear Kieren. She was in a particularly happy and curious mood, sitting on my lap, chatting on my phone, walking from lounge to kitchen, back and forth, back and forth.... By the end of the night she had brought most of the cupboard food into the room, but it is wonderful to have our happy princess a part of the group.

You know, this morning was so challenging and discouraging, realizing it has been FOUR weeks today since Kieren's burn. She is still not healed, they are STILL threatening skin grafts, and she cries in pain and confusion as we continue to clean and work on healing her wounds. It's exhausting and excruciating and by the time I was home from the hospital all I wanted to do was curl up in bed and cry. But I didn't. I cried and then moved on and God rebuilt the day for His praise and my goodness and enjoyment. Wow. That's life. Keep moving forward, I really believe God will always turn in around.

Lots of love,


Kerry said...

I love how you said "God rebuilt the day" - that's happened to me TWICE in the past two weeks (maybe 3 times!) and God has not just shown up, but made everything better. Very encouraging to read your post. I can't wait to tell you these stories, we need to talk PRONTO. :) love you BFF.

p.s. hugs and kisses to kiers.

Carolina Kavanaugh said...

I love the new look of the blog! Beautiful! Also, I absolutely loved the video of everyone celebrating the goal, especially when you turned the camera on yourself....yet another proof of how ridiculously adorable you are. I LOVE you!!
Carolina :)