Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Hello all!

Just want to share something wonderful that I am really thankful for. I have been working with a couple, Denille and Mark, who have been having marital problems and even signs of domestic violence. It has been very intense, frustrating, and heartbreaking to watch it all and be a close part of it, as they are also involved in the church. The family has three children that are between the ages of 13 and 6 and the kids are awesome and spend a good amount of time at our house. Denille has been looking for some sort of counseling for the kids, but hasn't found any ting really available nearby, and is limited because of her job and the kids school schedule. A Living Hope volunteer who is here long-term from America, Christina, and I were talking last week about ministry and I learned about her passion for kids and background in social work and counseling. All of a sudden I thought of Denillie and the kids and Christina coming in to work with them. Christina was excited about the idea (although she later realized she wasn't really qualified... something I feel ALL the time about the ministry I do), and later felt God confirming His desire for her to join in the ministry to this family. So today Christina, Denille, and I met and talked about their situation and the kids. It was incredible - Christina is so gifted! She asked thoughtful questions, was a great listener, and is deeply intuitive in their struggle. So we are all ready to move forward, and tomorrow Christina and I are going to take the kids to ice cream and just talk and see if they would be open to talking more with Christina. Christina has many different methods and ideas but most of all wants to allow the kids to lead the time with her for what they want to get out of it. Our hopes and prayers is that they will see Christina as 'their' friend who they can talk to and share anything and see her as someone safe to work through all they are feeling and experiencing. I am so encouraged to have a friend working beside me with this family and really think God is going to use Christina in big ways. What a gift.

Today I am just thankful that God doesn't call us alone anywhere. First He is ALWAYS with us, but He also sends us others to walk alongside as we do His work. It's awesome!

Lots of love,

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