Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Visit Continues

So it's Sunday night here and as I go to bed just wanted to share a few other bits from my visit from my parents. They have been here just over a week and it's been a great trip! We are all exhausted, as I think we are trying to fit in EVERYTHING in these two weeks. We want to have every conversation, sightsee, hang with Kieren, meet our friends and community here, do ministry together, change the world, etc.... Today my parents went to church with us again and I was struck once more by how hospitable and welcoming our church family is here. They are incredible to my parents! We then went to see the movie 'Invictus' that is now in theaters here and is a GREAT story about South Africa in 1995 - go see it! Then we took a beach walk, and then headed downtown to visit Hillsong Church and have a dinner celebrating Casey's 25th birthday (this is our 6th year to celebrate it...). It's been a full day and a full week. I am realizing that I think some of our fatigue is just that so much is NEW that we are experiencing together and it just takes so much of us to go through this new world together. I know my parents are feeling many different emotions about our life here, but overall they have been so gracious to just learn and welcome so many new things. I pray that they will continue to enjoy their time here and just learn from the people and experiences - that is what we hope to do to!

On a GREAT side note, I received a text from Eunice, one of the leaders of Sisters For Sisters tonight. It was her second text today thanking us for coming yesterday and praising my mom for her giftedness and time with them. Too cool. BUT, tonight's text was also about a women who came to the workshop yesterday named Karen. Long story, but it was her first time to visit the group and she was very hurt and abused by many situations in her life. As she left with a friend of hers, I talked to her a bit and gave her my Bible to take home. Eunice texted me to say she came by again for a visit and has now become a Christian believer! I am overjoyed to hear this because this woman really needed some hope and healing and I truly believe she will find it through our God. It was a cool moment to share with my family and we celebrated at dinner - and this is why we do what we do!

We are grateful and blessed!



Jenny Sherouse Photography said...

I'm so glad your parents are there! I know you have absolutely loved having them. I can't wait to see the pictures.

Amy said...

So glad Mom and Dad Collins are able to visit you. What a blessing for all of you!

Oh...and I didn't Casey and I had something in common. Didn't know we were both 25. You learn something new every day. ;)