Sunday, March 1, 2009

Baby Pics of Mom and Dad

We had a visit this weekend to my parents home in Charlotte and pulled out some baby pictures. It was so much fun because it's now become VERY clear who Kieren resembles as a baby :) It is actually a little freaky how similar she looks me in my baby pictures, but I still see some of Casey in there too!


Sarah with her Papa

Sarah chillin' on the couch

Casey in the 'bouncy' chair - Kieren's favorite place to hang out (other then in the arms of mom and dad

Casey sticking out his tongue - a classic Kieren move!


kathy said...

Freaky is right!! I looked at the picture before the caption and thought it was Kieren.! Now we know she is going to grow up beautiful, just like her mommy.

Emily said...

This is crazy how much she looks like you!!! Wow....and Casey looks exactly the same as when he was a baby, just taller :)