Friday, May 9, 2008


What a great week with so many wonderful people! We have been so blessed to spend great amounts of time this week with many of the people we have grown close to in our time here. We have been invited into the lives of people with many different backgrounds and lives, and we feel that we have learned so much from each of them. Casey has mentioned many of these events this week in his blogs, but each time with these friends is so rich and filled with laughter and joy, it's hard to express it all.

I am soaking up some great time with the support group leaders that I work with this week. I just treasure these incredible people of God! On Monday Casey and I went to an elderly group in Muizenburg. I had been a couple of times and LOVE these ladies - they are spunky, full of wisdom, and very open to learn and grow. They then INSISTED that I bring Casey who they described as a 'hunk' by his picture. They loved their time with him on Monday, and one of the leaders, Grace, now calls Casey 'a hunk for God.' Love it.

"The hunk" with his ladies

Sarah with Grace and Angela - the leaders

Sarah with all the support group women

Then today I planned most of the monthly support group leaders meeting, where all the leaders from the different communities come together for training, encouragement, and to recieve the tea supplies they use when they host their groups. I planned a time of devotion and teaching, all of which was based on scripture the Lord laid on my heart for them. We had a great time of learning, hearing from God's word, and worship. I absoutely loved it. After sharing lunch and a time of prayer as we leave with all the leaders, we had a guest speaker who I was really excited about. His name is Dr. Andy Young, and he is the creator of the flip-chart that I have been training the leaders on. We were able to get him to come in and share his heart and vision about the chart. It was a GREAT day! I just pray these leaders beleive in all God longs to use them for - they are incredible!

I am pretty much exhausted from the week of running around, getting last minute things done, and seeing a LOT of people. Saturday and Sunday we are going to a beach town called Betty's Bay with Evan and Kerryn and some of their friends. We are really looking forward to getting away for a time, resting, reflecting, and having fun.

Tick tock - time is running out!
Love you!

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