Tuesday, April 22, 2008

“I Give a Damn”

Hello everyone!

My blog title is not an attempt to live out the freedom I have been given in Christ through my foul language, but an introduction to something that I would love you all to check out. We have been able to meet so many incredible people here in South Africa, and there are many ways that they are reaching out to help others and make this world a better place. In March we were invited to the launch of a new organization called ‘I Give a Damn’ by our side-kicks (or vice-versa) Evan and Kerryn. We spent the evening hearing seeing a beautiful vision come to life, and we are excited to get involved ourselves. The ambition of I Give a Damn is to use the popularity of social networking to bring people together to help with projects and needs that are local and personal. You must be ‘invited’ to be a part of the web-organization, and once you are on, you are linked with friends and friends of friends who have created various ‘causes’ that they are asking you to contribute to. The idea is not that people would give astronomical donations, but small gifts to help people they trust help those in need. One example of a cause we could have (and maybe should have) created was that recently we paid the rent of a woman that I work closely with here. Her family was about to be evicted and needed time to find a new place to live. We would have created the cause of the site and invited all of our friends to contribute. If about 20 of our friends contributed $20 each that would have just about covered it. So, it’s very organic and it’s based on the trust that you have for Casey and me. The money would be funneled through ‘paypal’ and through I Give a Damn and onto us. Low overhead, high trust, maximum impact.

We shared a meal last week with the creator of the organization, Andy Duncan, and it is such a privilege to see his heart come to life in this dream. He simply believes in the good of people and that together we can accomplish so much more. This is a move away from big non-profit organizations where there ends up being great overheads and only a small percentage of the money donated actually reaches the people. With I Give a Damn there is a very small overhead and reports are given back to the site on exactly how the money is used. It is based around the social network and the friendship and trust of those involved. Casey and I are brainstorming a couple different ideas, and we will have them posted as ‘causes’ before we leave, but we would love you to check out the site now if you are interested. To really get involved and see all the causes you have to be invited as a ‘friend,’ so if you would like to check it out email me at sarahcprince@gmail.com or Casey at rcprince@aol.com and we will officially invite you.

It is amazingly encouraging to see the many ways that people are trying to make this world better right in the midst of so much suffering and pain. This is a simple way to get involved, and you can even create your own cause! My hope and heart is that some of you in the States would create causes and begin the chain right in your own communities. So pray about needs around you and let me know if I can help in any way. You don’t have to go to Africa to make a difference – there are SO many needs right around YOU!


Let’s keep being the change we want to see in this world!

Lots of love,

1 comment:

Alicia Collins said...

Sarah and Casey,
What an amzaing idea!!! I will go to the website and read more, pray about it and what God wants me to do, and share this information w/ friends and family.
thanks for the info,
love you both, Mom