Tuesday, May 17, 2011


One year ago our lives completely changed and we will never be the same.

It was May 17, 2010, and in preparing for a women's meeting, Kieren grabbed a cup of hot tea and accidentally poured it all over her face, neck, and chest. That night her condition was critical, but she made it through and was in the care of the Red Cross Children's Hospital for five days.

We honestly didn't know if she would make it through that first day, and each day following was a fight moment by moment. We surrendered ourselves to God in a way we had never experienced before, and watched Him slowly heal Kieren more and more each day.

Read the entire story in the newsletter we created below:

We kept walking through each day, with a very traumatized and hurting Kieren, but each day she got stronger and we all began to heal. As a family we cried out to God for His mercy and He loved us in an intimate and real way through the incredible ordeal.

Today it has been ONE YEAR since her burn accident, and honestly, we are full of praise and thankfulness on this day.

This was the day God became raw and real and deeply faithful to our family. This was the day where we were taken to our utmost limits and found God's presence with us every second of the journey. This was the day when Kieren's physical body was burnt and the scars will remain to always mark what took place. This was the day that linked us forever with families and children who have experienced life-threatening accidents or have scars or deformities.

One year later, this IS the day Kieren is full of joy and love and NO FEAR. This IS the day where we have a testimony of God bringing us through the fire and pain. This IS the day where we are full of love for our God who, even through the pain, loves us more than we could ever deserve.

Tonight I am reminded of the Hillsong worship song "Desert Song." I sung this song out of my guts during this month a year ago, and it will permanently be written on my heart. I echo its words as I will always BRING PRAISE because God is my victory and He has shown us that He is ALWAYS with us.

Thank you for your deep love and support over this past year as we have watched Kieren heal. We celebrate with you and thank God that He brought you all into our lives to share in this beautiful story.
