Friday, January 21, 2011


Last night was the kick-off for the new women's Bible study that I will be hosting for the community of Ocean View.  For the past year I have been hosting a weekly women's group where ladies can come and just open up and share.  It has been beautiful and truly transformed the lives of these women - and me!  They are incredible!  This year I feel like God has put it on my heart to mix some Bible study in with it, and break into smaller groups to share and pray afterwards.  Change is always a bit scary, but these ladies are coming along with me, and we will be studying the Gospel of John all year (helps that I am killing some reading on John for my Cornerstone classes too!!).  So last night we kicked it off and I invited every woman in the View that I knew.  We had about 40 gathered, and we sang, and then I shared the vision for the year, and how God was leading our community for the next year.  I have the phrase 'light and dark' on my heart and I believe God wants us to enter more deeply into the darkness of our own hearts and those around us bringing the light of Christ that can transform and expel it.  So it was fun to share more and get pumped up about that!  Then my friend Lucinda Dooley, pastor at Hillsong Church, came and shared an incredible message called 'When an ordinary girl meets and extraordinary God.'  It was truly an extraordinary message and really touched and challenged the women there.  Lucinda is amazing and unique but somehow she is so relatable and everyone feels so close to her when she shares.  It was brilliant and powerful.  Then the team that is still here working with us (a group called 'The World Race') finished the night with a prayer experience where you pray for every person as they go through a 'tunnel' of prayer and encouragement.  It was huge and women were sharing truth, prayers, and many tears.  Oh I just loved it all, every single minute of it.  These women are EXTRAORDINARY and I feel like they are starting to believe that from God.  This year holds so much potential and I am overwhelmed with excitement for my time with them!  What a kick-off!!

Lots of love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okay, so i am super happy for you and so glad that it went so well. however, when i read the title, i was picturing a persecuted group being forced to leave a township park. :)