Sunday, November 28, 2010

Weekend Update

Hello everyone!

It's another Monday morning and I am strangely chipper today!  Just finished my workout and I don't know how I have this energy as Kieren got up at 5am AGAIN today - she is still having trouble sleeping, but overall improving in her health.  I think her asthma is the main cause of a lot of her ailments at this point, and it's hard to know when to call the doctor or just do another round on the nebulizer.  Either way, Kieren and I had FUN together yesterday.  That's right, I said it, we played and laughed and I saw glimpses of my fun daughter again!  She is an emotional being and I think has been so sad at  being sick, but yesterday definitely was feeling like herself again for part of the day.   I honestly think she has grown up in the past two weeks, but I didn't notice it because she was hidden by her pacifier and 'lovee' at ALL times.  Kieren has the greatest smile - it is HUGE - and it's nice to see it again around our house.

A new first in the Prince home on Sunday - Casey got his first migraine headache!  This was NOT something I wanted to share with him and it was sad to see him suffer all day.  Headache meds only dulled the pain a bit,  but even when he ventured out Sunday night for a planned birthday dinner for a friend he was almost silent all night.  I miss my crazy Casey!  He was sleeping this morning when I left, but I am hoping the night brought some relief.  What is the deal with the Prince's lately?!?

Other than our ongoing illnesses, it was a great weekend.  Ntokozo finished up all her exams in high school (they still have almost two weeks of school still where they do NOTHING) so we celebrated with a fun movie and dinner at home Friday.  Saturday was friends and our Thanksgiving celebration with Americans and then Sunday was resting at home and dinner out.  With all my free time on Sunday, Ntokozo and I got the grocery shopping for the week done and I planned out meals (done at 4am when Kieren decided to be awake coughing).  Now I am ready for this week - how DOMESTIC am I?? 

Looking forward to another great week ahead.  Casey will be gearing up for an upcoming Ubuntu clinic that will be held in December and I am working on various church stuff and continuing to devour books.  It is going to be a good one!

Lots of love,

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