Friday, March 5, 2010


These are things I am thankful for this week, just some of many:

Our friends Melissa and Heather. They have been a breath of fresh air, so much fun and laughter, and just wonderful people to share this place with.

The kids that play in our yard daily. Because of Mel and Heather, we have been spending extra time outside with the kids, and it has made me enjoy them even more lately. I am getting to know them better, hearing more about their lives, and just enjoying time with them. Kieren is also thankful for the extra time.

Kieren. She continues to grow into her middle name, 'Joy.' She has the greatest smile and giggle and has become so confident in her new walking skills. We took her (and the guests!) to see the penguins in Simon's Town this week (and she called the penguins 'doggie' which was so cute). She became a toddler as she refused to be held but wanted to walk by herself along the boardwalk for our outing. I have a toddler now!

Diet Coke. Lately a can of diet coke in the morning really brings me joy. If this is wrong then I don't want to be right.

GLEE. Mel brought me the DVD of season one of the TV show Glee. If you haven't seen it you must. It gives me chills, makes me laugh out LOUD, and brings me happiness. So creative.

Casey. I am so proud of him, and was reflecting on that today as I was talking to our friends Wayne and Laurel who live here. He has completely changed his life and 'vocation' in the past year, and he is thriving in his new role. God has placed favor on Him and Ubuntu Sports and it's so inspiring to watch. I am proud of Him for so many reasons.

Maggie. This week I was introduced to a young mother named Maggie, who lives a street down from me. A group of women do 'outreach' at the Baptist church and were minsitering to Maggie this week. As one of them was praying (Auntie Netta they call her) my face came to her mind so she brought me over to meet her. I met with Maggie today and spoke with her and played with her two year old daughter, Mia. We are going to start meeting regularly as I counsel Maggie, but I am really excited to see what God is going to do in her life. She has a past of drugs, is newly separated from her husband, and her daughter was recently taken from her custody, but she wants to get her life on track. She is a beautiful person, we definitely connected, and I have so much hope for her.

Kieren's future. The possibilities are endless. She might be a soccer player, as she already kicks the ball around the house, she might be a singer as she loves to 'sing' to us throughout the day, she might just flirt with boys all day as she is very coy with them, or she might just be around people and love on them. Also can't wait to see what God has in store.

These are just a few of the many, many things I am thankful for.

Lots of love,


Mallory said...

Hayden and Jordan (Brown) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Glee! (: Glad you are enjoying too! I got the Season 1 DVD myself, with some graduation money. It's great! Still loving some Scrubs though... but not as into the new episodes of Scrubs as I am with GLEE! Hope everything is going well! I love you all! and miss you too!

Hey, to Melissa Book!! (miss seeing you too!)

eboo said...

We are thankful for the Prince Family! Thanks for loving our girls :) It just occurred to me to suggest that Melissa check her email, if she hasn't already in case something comes up concerning grad school that needs a response...3 weeks is a long time to be out of contact. I love reading your blog and keeping up with you guys...hugs to all.