First, THANK YOU so much for your prayers ad support for the Women's Rally this past weekend! Wow, I was so humbled by all the support I received from my friends here in South Africa and back home. It was very special to know so many people were a part of the event that couldn't be there! I am blessed way past what I deserve!
Well, the event was incredible, amazing, and words really can't describe it! Every detail just fell into place and the women who were leading the team for the rally were so excited and in ACTION to make it all happen. There was just a buzz in the air, this great feeling of joy as women started to arrive and gather around! We had every woman fill out her contact information and check a box if she was interested in joining a women's group - and the 'draw' for giving these details was that we had a raffle with prizes at the end! I love presents! My friend from the Methodist church, Charmaine, was the emcee of the event - and she did a GREAT job! She is a wonderful woman of God and has become a good friend in the church and leads praise and worship for us, so I knew she would be great to tie the whole event together and she was AWESOME! We had many elements of the rally because so many women wanted to bring something to the event - which I loved because it made them 'own' the rally even more. There was singing with a local group called 'JWC,' a dance, other songs sung by women, poems read, and just women sharing with one another and encouraging. My friend from the NGO 'Sisters for Sisters,' Eunice came and shared her testimony of abuse and violence, encouraging the women to get in a group and break their own silence. Then towards the end I preached a short message from the Romans 8 and there was a time of prayer for the women. Charmaine led some singing, and at one point, spontaneously asked the women to join hands as we sang 'Bind Us Together.' It was beautiful! We ended the rally by passing out the raffle prizes and one of the oldest women there won the tiara!
Overall, it was a huge success, and the women continue to share about how wonderful it was to be together as women of different churches and backgrounds. I truly believe this was something that many women had longed for but just didn't know how to make it happen - and I was the lucky one to put it into action! I could NOT have done it without my team, and I am so honored to be a part of how God is raising up the women of Ocean View.
Two prayer requests for this week. On Tuesday night I have invited any and all women to the Methodist church for a 'Women's Group' where I want to start support groups for these women who would like to share and encourage further. I have NO idea how many women will come or how we will put these groups together but I am excited to see what happens! Then on Thursday night I am going to meet with the leaders from these churches to start something new. These women would like to help in teams to lead more rallies and help with the support groups, so we are going to gather monthly for a time of prayer and discipleship that I will lead and then I will break them into two teams so they can lead these two new ministries. I am VERY EXCITED about this, because I love equipping these women to minister as they are incredible and will be the best ones to minister to their own community. So prayers for both those events!
Again, thanks so much for your support and I will keep you posted on these events coming this week!
Oh, and another prayer, Casey is having his first meeting tonight (Monday) for a team that is putting together a big community festival for May to 'kick off' the World Cup and get the communities here together. Prayers for him and Andy and the team!
Lots of love,
The group 'JWC' playing and everyone singing along at the rally
Singing and dancing along to JWC
Beyda dancing to the beautiful song 'Alabaster Box'
The 'Sisters for Sisters' women join the rally!
Dancing as we sing praise songs together - that is 'Granny' Jacoba next to me dancing like CRAZY!
The women coming together praying and singing 'Bind Us Together"
Me preaching to women
Presenting raffle prizes at the end of the rally - I love giving presents!
This beautiful 'auntie' won the best prize - the TIARA! Love it!
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