Friday, April 10, 2009

Kieren and Mom Update

Hey everyone!

Well it has been a busy week in the Prince house with Casey gone for two days for the UNC game. I was so excited for him to get away and see the game, but I must admit that I was a little nervous to have Kieren all by myself for two nights. Casey is a HUGE help with Kieren - and with me!! I had some help during the day on Monday and Tuesday which really helped, and we made it through both nights! Kieren regressed a bit on her sleeping at night (or decided basically not to sleep at ALL those night), but it helped my decision to move her to her own room to sleep! :) She had been sleeping in a bassinet in our room and now she is in her own room - so we'll count the sleepless nights a blessing. Kieren is back on track with sleeping at about 8 straight hours a night and her naps continue to get longer and deeper during the day. Both mom and baby are slowly figuring this thing out! Kieren seems to be so much happier during the day because of her good naps and her stomach problems are working themselves out too. I am so proud of her! For me, I have been thinking a lot this week about motherhood because of a show Oprah did on mothers this Monday (yes, I OCCASIONALLY watch Oprah... hope we can still be friends...). I thought it was awesome because it was moms telling it like it really is and sharing funny and crazy stories. It was just encouraging to hear from other mothers and both the joys and hardships of this new role I am growing into. Nothing can prepare you for this new world and the enormity of the things both gained and lost. I think it's healthy to recognize both and then move forward as life changes. It's a beautiful thing, but motherhood is something that I am definitely still growing into. I bet that's how it will always be.

I found this quote this week and it really captures what I am feeling lately:
"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new." ~Rajneesh

Thanks for being a part of our journey!

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