Monday, January 5, 2009

The Anticipation is Killing me!

We are getting down to the wire on this baby gig and the anticipation is killing me!! We are at that point that I know that at any moment Sarah could call and say, "I think she's coming." With that realization I get more and more anxious. I'm just very ready for her to be here. I asked her to stay in through last night so that I could give the talk I had already prepared for Youth Group, but she can come now (technically she could wait till after tonight since we are hosting poker, but who's counting?).
Everything that we do now I have this moment where I realize that going to the gym together won't happen again, or that grabbing a quiet dinner won't happen again, or that leaving the house for church won't be a quick 10-15 minute process anymore. I'm probably driving the anxiety level up a notch with all of these realizations. I'm just keenly aware that at any moment now my life will change forever!! I'm ready and excited, but very aware how different it will be. And I know that I actually learn so much more once she finally arrives.
If nothing happens before Wednesday, we are scheduled to get another ultrasound that day. Sarah is measuring a little small, so they want to ensure that everything is fine in there. I know that's going to be a crazy look inside!! I'm pumped about that.
We cherish your prayers for Kieren and mommy (they don't hurt for me, too). Love you all!

1 comment:

Jim said...


God has prepared you for this time with Kieren. You can only dream of how wonderfully different your life will be. Every day is a new blessing. Enjoy them all!
